Dynamo-Monkelectric Zombie LeChuck
Edward Van Helgen
- Located in the Barber shop in Part Two as dapper pirate.
- You need him in your crew.
- Use the glove on him to duel him.
- In the Field of competition, close the box lid and open the banjo case. Now look very carefully when he plays the banjo. You must play just like him to defeat him. Memorize the single strokes he makes, and when it's your turn, do the exact sequence.
- Now he plays really good. Examine the gun pile and this time pick up the pistol. Use it on the dueling banjo and Edward Van Helgen will join your crew.
Effete LaFoot
Elaine's left ring finger
ember on stick
empty jar
engagement band
enormous diamond
executive thingy
expensive thing
explosive keg o' rum